Tuesday 29 September 2009

Maddie is always on the go!!!

In full season but happy to be out and about, Prima Maddie swims!

Prima decided not to get in but a drink was needed!!

Here's Maddie!!!

Pretty Prima

Racing Tetra Shaking it off!!!!

Grampy and new Dad Logi cools off with little Tetra!

Quick shake and he was off again!!!!

Mr Darcy then cools off once again!!!!

Ready to go again

On the scent of something!!

Pointing the way!!!

Having to walk in groups at the moment which is usually a bit of a drag but in this lovely weather is fine, Prima is in season so I took her with Maddie, The boys went with Tetra, Diva can't go out at the moment as she has hurt her tail, Summer has pulled a muscle so she is not getting out for a day or so and the oldies mooch later!!!! Gorgeous day and here are some snap shots of my strolls!!!!