Monday 26 May 2008


I am addicted, and Gregor will not stop me (he has not even tried!) so yes, I am having a Prima and a Diva pup. I just cannot help myself. There are a few months between the 2 so it gives me time to get training and manners etc done before starting all over again with the next. Some say we are mad but at least we know that everyone on the blog understands how difficult it is to only have one!!!
Are you having one from the up coming litters? Gregor has said the same to me you know. The next house we get will have more land which means more dogs! and the next house after that etc etc... I don't think he realises just how many I would have!
That sounds good Ali for going to meet Alex. I will look up the distance etc and maybe book a hotel for the night to save huge amounts of travelling in one day. Ceilidh would be able to come I take it?