Tuesday 27 May 2008

Well done

Sophie and Charlie. Glad you came home with some prizes as you say all good experience for you and Ilka.

Good luck Elspeth with the business - what sort of business is it you're hoping to buy? Hope Ceilidh feels better soon. I found natural yogurt works a treat for upset tummies. As for eating grass - my mother's Visla has always done this - think she just enjoys it - so although can mean an upset tummy can also be for other reasons I think. Maggie went through a period of not wanting breakfast. I used to give it to her first thing but now I give it to her after her morning walk when she has more of an appetite - seemed to work. Also scrambled eggs and toast always went down well in the morning!

I have never had problems with my email thank goodness although my son got a virus on his laptop a few months ago -fixing it practically wiped all of his stuff off! Some people must leave very sad lives if all they have to do is try to ruin others.

Actually no rain this morning so off for a nice dry walk with Maggie - yeahhhh!