Sunday, 25 May 2008

Sid and Ilka look fab, I'm sure you will all do really well tomorrow. The only thing I was worried about when I showed Domino last weekend was the judge looking in her mouth, but actually it was fine, she only tried to lick the judges nose but not quite. It was a very small show we went to and the judge looked over each dog individually and had us walk (or run as I had to with Domino) in a triangle.

Ali, Lincs is a long way away isn't it? It would have been nice to meet Alex but he looks lovely in the photo and I know Prima is great, so that's OK.

Elspeth, are you having 2 pups, one from Prima and then one from Diva too? You know, Richard said today that one day if he's allowed the 27 aces of land he wants, I can have all the dogs I want to walk on it. He really shouldn't have said that!

How's Leah today, I keep thinking about her?