Tuesday 27 May 2008

Why do people do that kind of thing? Is there nothing better to do that to hack into peoples email and wreak havock! The best thing to do if receiving a bad email from someone would be to forward it on the the person who supposedly sent it or phone them so they know what you received etc. What can we do to stop hackers? It really is to easy to get in if you click on "forgotten password" The reminder question is always something personal which people who know you even just a little could answer. An old friend of mine did that to one of her ex boyfriend regularly and started to do it to a few friends, hence why she is an old friend not one anymore. It is hurtful more than anything that someone would do that to you. Hope both Judith and Ali get it all sorted out. And Judith, thank goodness you knew it was not a real message!

Ceilidh ate breakfast today (milk seems to do the trick) so for dinner tonight I will try her back on meat I think. She needn't think she will get cereal, milk and mixer for every meal!