Tuesday 24 November 2009

Munster Madness

Maggie and Elsa were in a hyper mood this morning. Think it might be cos we haven't been getting quite such long walks in with all the rain. First thing they did when I went out this morning was run at full pelt to the bottom of the garden, leap on to the trampoline, slide the entire length of it (it's wet and slippery) and fly off the other side - thankfully not hurt. Next thing was Elsa spotted a deer and was gone before I could call her back - managed to get Maggie back and started walking to a high point so I could see where she had gone. Maggie who heard Elsa in the distance couldn't bear it any longer and legged it in the direction of Elsa (knew I should have put her on the lead). I whistled and carried on walking and the next thing I know is Maggie charging towards me, unable to stop very well on the rain drenched mud she skidded into me and knocked me flying. Just had time to recover and looked up to see Elsa charging towards me but managed to get to safe ground before she did the same. Not long after this I got whacked in the head by a pigeon - not sure if the thing was attacking me or just plain stupid. Do pigeons attack? I was in the middle of a field and thought I'd walked into something, it was such a thud, but looked up to see a pigeon and nothing else.

They got a good hour of charging around this morning and I am muddy, wet and bruised so should see them through til we have to do it again this afternoon. Oh the joys of owning two monsters, I mean Munsters)lol

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHARLOTTE for yesterday. Hope you had a good day and lots of nice prezzies!

Ali, thanks for putting the picture of Maggie up yesterday.