Wednesday 25 November 2009


Hope all the puppies are settling into their new homes, Dee Dee was on one yesterday, Milo went to his new home yesterday morning, and from then on she decided that seeing as she had lost all her playmates I would have to do, she never stopped all day !!! Narla played with her, I played with her she finally zonked out for about an hour at about 8 pm then awoke full of vigour ready to start again.
In the end we both tucked up in a quilt on the couch and went to sleep at about 1.30 a.m. I managed about five hours sleep.
She is having a little nap at the moment, so have just caught up with some emails and thrown some washing in the washer while I have the chance.
Will try and post some pictures later of the whirlwind, and I thought I had the quiet one !!!

Hope you are feeling better today Karen, and that the bruises are going down, I have all that still to come. Oh what joy !!!!