Monday 18 January 2010

The Boys

A belated happy new year - been a bit busy lately and not had time to post yet this year. I have enjoyed all the snow photos. The snow has gone from here now and I must admit I'm missing the dogs coming home clean.

Here's a picture of the boys taken at the weekend down in Staffordshire. We were down there for a presentation on the Deutsch Langhaar (GLP) by "Gerd Hornbergs( Auwelt )Vice Chair Club Langhaar ( DLV ) , internationally renowned breeder, trainer handler and DLV prufung and conformation judge". It was an excellent day, we learned a lot, not just about the GLP but the testing and breeding of dogs in Germany.

In the afternoon we got the opportunity to have our dogs tested. Louis at 4 months was too young to be fully graded but was given a "very promising". Dogs need to be 18 months for testing. We were pleased with Brodie who got a Very Good/Very Good/Excellent for Type/Conformation/Coat. Judith, if you want the full results let me know and I'll email them to you when I receive them as they are seemingly being sent along with his certificate.