Saturday 9 January 2010


Suggestions so far!!
Diva, says Give your Mummy a kiss!!!! That's from Andrew.
arrgghh its cold..... oh get over it - That's from Heather
If we lie here long enough it wil hide all our black bits! That's from Nick
I told you not to play with the persil!! That's from Tracey
'And all because the Lady loves Black Magic'... That's from Sue
Darcy to the rescue! / Now, say that again /see it's easy/'you going to sit there all day or are you going to make an effort!!! Those brilliant ones are from Karen A
So far I have had lots of good Caption suggestions!!! I have formulated a plan!!!!lol going to throughout the week pop up a fun photo for everyone to pop a caption on to, then next week throughout one day I will feature them all on the photo blog. So keep your suggestions coming in, email me your funny pictures too and we can have a bit of fun whislt we are snowed in!!!