Saturday 17 April 2010

A sad day today, as I had to take my Dad's dog to the vets and have her put to sleep. Dad's away at the moment and my sister had been looking after his two dogs. Lucky, the eldest one at 15, kept peeing everywhere, so she took her to the vets. They found high potassium levels and a very slow heart rate. It seems highly likely that she had Addisons disease. A condition which effects the Adrenal Gland. Whilst she could have been treated for it, she would have needed medication three times a day for the rest of her life and regular blood tests and stays over at the vets. Even missing one lot of tablets would put her at risk of a "critical collapse" and Dad can barely remember to take his own pills, let alone a dog's as well. So after discussing it with Dad, he made the decision to let her go now, rather than put her through that. She'd had a good life, a rescue dog in France, spending most of her time roaming free around the farm he had out there, chasing rabbits and laying around in the sun. Well now she's free to chase rabbits in everlasting sunshine. Goodbye sweet Lucky xx