Tuesday 27 April 2010

What really lovely photos.

Ali, the black light torch is quite useful. Ian told me it was called a Catty Pee torch, but I think he must have been joking. These torches only work in the dark and stuff like urine, blood & semen become fluorescent. However, it also picks up on anything white like cotton wool, paper and whatever fibre is in the coir we have upstairs. But,it's quite a useful tool. I assume it would work on dog urine as I think it is supposed to work with human urine, hence them being used in crime scenes - you sometimes see forensics use them on TV cop shows.

Judith, we used to have a sandpit for Wooster. He was really bad at going on it and used to refuse to go at all - we took him out on a lead as a pup to that area and praised him etc etc In the end, we let him use the little area in which we had built the sandpit. Unless he were worried about border invaders, he always used that area and it's still known as Wooster's patch. He took to burying bones in the sand pit :) I taught Beecham to go on the drive as it's gravel and easy to pick up, but he's got into bad habits because of Bosco. Bosco goes wherever he likes, usually in a flower bed or on a flower. He's the only one of the three LMs not to use a particular area. In fact, he's also very good at destroying the garden. I wonder if all of that would just be coincidence or because Ian did 99.9% of his puppy training, lol.

Pits etc should work after all you can buy those posts for the dogs to widdle up.....
Good luck with it.
