Sunday 14 June 2009


I'm Sandra H and Ali has very kindly invited me to join the Blitzan blog as I am going to be having a Blitzan relative shortly fingers tightly crossed.

Some of you who show will already know Narla - Sh Ch Jaudas Bella and I, we also have working type Springer Spaniel ( Morgan) aged 9, a Shih Tzu ( Gizmo) aged 13 and a British Shorhair Cat aged 13.

previously I was also involved with horses along with my two daughters ( now grown up) for quite a number of years.

I am married to Dave who usually does most of the driving to shows, and also carries the show bag for me, which gets heavier and heavier because I keep shoving just in case items in it LOL.

I have also competed in Obedience and Agility and was a Dog trainer at a local club for a number of years, having completed a number of courses, nowadays I just do a bit of one to one training with problem dogs, and generally help with training advice to people who mainly contact me by word of mouth.

I have a website which will give you more information on what Narla and I get up to.