Tuesday 30 June 2009

Hot Dogs

Gizmo my elderly Shih Zue is really suffering with the heat at the moment, being a short faced breed, he does seem to suffer more than other breeds. He is due for a haircut as well, and his appointment isn't till Friday, the salon he goes to gets very busy, so I have to book him in after each time.
He has been really panting at night, so I have been putting him under the shower as well, and then just towelling him off, I have also had him lying on a damp towel. Over the weekend he was so hot that I just got the scissors out and chopped as much hair off as I could, not very stylish I am afraid, and the groomer will probably not be that pleased, but she can tidy him up on Friday, and in the meantime he is a lot more comfortable.
Not going to put a picture up of him, as his dignity would definitely be compromised, he is after all a Shih Zue and as they were bred to live in palaces, he does rather consider himself to be royalty, and certainly struts around like he is.
Good job he can't see himself in a mirror at the moment as he looks more like a badly Shawn sheep than a Prince !!! lol