Friday 19 June 2009

Shortage of Quail?

Looks like Tetra has a very soft mouth unlike Duke and Duchess and Elly May who have found a new game of chasing up mommy and daddy quail and then going on a frenzy for the new babies, before I can even stop them they have all gobbled down a couple each, (absolutely no chewing envolved), so I guess they too have soft mouths?!! ha ha, yeah right. I have to keep on the ball and get them under control for the next few weeks till the birds can fly to safety, after all they are not chicken nuggets, are they??

Sorry to hear about Tarka, hope is all well now! Great pictures everyone!

I'm posting a picture of another kind of bird that decided to land on my house, this is a blue Heron, he was waiting for me as I arrived home the other day.

and another picture of my kids,

Bye for now Joanne