Wednesday 3 March 2010

Happy Birthday Theo, where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday they were born, Prima's birthday on Saturday!
Boy does Murphy look gorgeous, (knew I should of dog napped him!) I can see Daddy in him but also Aunty Keisha and Logi too. So handsome. Cosmos is too, chunky healthy happy boys.
As for his training 'Well done' keep it up!! As for the game of chase me, they all will play it given the chance. From tiny baby I always teach the word 'Dead' or 'Leave it' have done with all of mine, Darcy and Tetra are superb at that, anything they pick up that they shouldn't I say dead and it's either straight out of the their mouths or bought to hand if I ask. The more you chase after him the worse it will get so I would suggest if he grabs something you don't want him to have, ignore him and play with something he can have, like a ball. He will soon come over to you to see what you have that is more interesting than what he has. He will then be desperate to have what you have so swap it for what you don't want him to have. The beauty of using a word like dead, is it is a firm sudden word that if said loudly will usually startle them and make them think, don't use 'No' as I bet you use 'No' for lots of other things, so he will just tune out to it.
The other thing I would say is the sleeve and wrist grabbing, totally harmless and a breed trait I think, but will you find it so adorable when he is fully grown and you are in your best clothes? Logi is always doing it and I had terrible troubles with him doing it to one particular friend, he put his teeth through many a shirt!!! So I would also advise you get ready to pop something into his mouth before he grabs you, then he will proudly show off his new treasure and not you!
Logi still does it but not so often and usually now only to James!!! If James has come home later from school Logi grabs him and drags James over to sit on my lap!!! It's as if to say Mum has missed you so go and see her now!! (He doesn't understand I am grateful for the extra hours of peace!!! Sorry James!!)
Logi is gentle and to be honest I should of stopped him but found it endearing, but he now 99% of the time grabs a present to give you instead. Ok so long as it's not from the dirty washing pile!!! He once presented a puppy owner with a pair of James boxers! Don't know who was most embarrassed, actually yes I do - it was James!!
Anyway time for our lunch now having fed everyone else!