Tuesday 30 March 2010

Hello! and sorry for not being on in ages!

Sorry I have not been on here in ages, been working very hard on both Ceilidh and uni. Will update on both below but before I forget: All lovely pictures from everyone, Ali the babies are soooo cute! What a gorgeous litter. Ceilidh had a red rash on her skin that took ages to clear up last year. I had had her washed for Crufts and by the time we got to London she was scratching like there was no tomorrow. I washed her down with cool water several times and gave her antihistamine until we got home to get to her vet. She was tested for allergies for everything and nothing turned up. I still believe it was something in the shampoo used when washing her but she was cleared of everything that the vet can test for allergy wise. He also said for girls it can also be triggered by hormones on very rare occurances. She has been fine since then too. Have you changed any products that you use around the house or even shampoo for dogs? Sure that si something you have thought of and been asked already but just a thought.
Anyway, all this hard work is paying off. Passed my first year of uni with a distinction, and Ceilidh is amazing on walks now. Have been doing extra work on her recall and getting her not to chase birds etc. She is now just watching the birds and keeps running back to me for lots of praise for not running after them. Still not 100% on Deer which seem to be everywhere now too so a bit of work needs done there but what a difference. Her recall was good before but if a bird was right infront of her she would still stick on the cloth ears for a few moments. Eamonn is going to make some bits and bobs for the garden for starting a bit of agility with her too so really looking forward to getting that done, and the weather to perk up so we can get out to do it.
Hope everyone is well :)