Wednesday 3 March 2010

One very proud Daddy

The proud Daddy - Mr Darcy Taking his turn at bottom washing. These puppies are so well washed they are turning orange from all the saliva!!! Honestly all the dogs need to take turn in washing them from top to toe!


Cuddles with Daddy
I tell you what is hillarious to see is Darcy who was scared of the babies now loves them, he tries so hard to copy what Summer does, including lifting his back leg up!!! As soon as baby comes near him he lies down and opens his legs as if he has a milk bar. Don't think he will be doing that in a few weeks time, ooo can you imagine those sharp teeth!!! He also tucks the puppy under his chin in his hairy chest to cuddle the baby!
By the way just to clarify something I said in a previous post, when I said I had two sizes in the litter, I meant that one group were like a three week old litter and the other group looked about 4 days younger, they will not grow up with one lot being big and the others tiny, the little ones are just a bit slower growing up that's all.