Tuesday 2 March 2010

Tessa I love those names, definitely on the list thank you.
Sandra I should be sensible and make an informed decision, BUT Shadow reminds me so much of Tarka, also she is the only one who will cuddle straight away, the others do cuddle of course but not until they are 100% sure I am not going to give them their bottle. Shadow lies in my arms and proceeds to sooth her gums on my finger, (she wont chew anyone else!!) So although trying to say not 100% Shadow is more than likely our new baby.......
Didn't get my photo's today will try later on, school took longer than expected, all good and top marks, luck boy I wish I found it so easy to learn!!!!
Darcy is one very excited boy as I had a call from a lady who booked him, his future wife is due in season next month! Pretty bitch so should be gorgeous babies again.
On another note, I just wanted to say I didn't post out the newsletters this time as it was easier for them to go straight to the treasurer so please email her if you haven't received them as I have no spare copies at all, not on the committee now.