Saturday 18 April 2009

After thinking it through I feel being a spectator this year would be the safest option with Evie. Next year I should feel more confident and have Evies training well under way - after reading the bit about the hares and deer I am pretty sure that Evie would be one of the runaways if I was to enter her this year. After saying that we seem to be making progress - Evie no longer lunges at cars, she is good on her lead and she is listening to me more on walks now that I have started to incorporate the tips that Christine and Raymond gave me. My days of going for a nice stroll in the country with my dogs have gone. I now go on a hunt and have to keep my wits about me all the time. Like Peter said in his post theres no time for making mental shopping lists etc although as us girls are so good at multi tasking I'm sure I will work a way out to do both (sounds like Ali could help me there). Anyway found a lovely quote today that I thought many of you would be able to relate too (I certainly do);
'Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.'
Milan Kundera.