Tuesday 21 April 2009


I did Daily Dog this morning - and used a lovely pic of Ceilidh - please see http://www.photos.thelargemunsterlander.com/

BUT the reason I am posting on here is not because of that - but to say PLEASE be more careful handing out personal details over the internet, on an open blog! your e-mail address will attract spam, but - your mobile number might be far more harmful...........

eg. you get a call - from someone claiming to be a person you were trying to arrange to meet through the blog - it could be ANYone who has read this....... you would not meet in a busy place to walk dogs - and - lol - sorry - but this day and age too much personal information on open blogs are not good...... even telling someone which village you live in is maybe too much - what about dog theft?

Okay - I am old - but - this amount of personal information horrifies me! people reading the blog get to know your birthdate, your mobile number etc., etc., identity fraud? NO not saying we should all be neurotic (lol leave that to me!!!) but am saying - be a bit careful!!!! maybe arrange to exchange numbers via e-mail? so know who is who for certain? don't miss opportunities - but don't hand the unscrupulous THEIR opportunities!!!! think about deleting your numbers at least!!!!