Thursday 30 April 2009

Harry Cocker

Hi everyone introducing Harry Cocker or as Ringo calls him 'Mini me' he is quite a happy little chap and is settling in well. Ringo seems very wary of him at the moment but he is very small but did let sleep near his back.
Lovely picture of Mazy she is really Cute.
Ali we have never met Logi but Ringo has a real look of Logi about him , he is lovely and he still thinks he is a yorkie who loves a cuddle on the sofa or your lap. He is starting to walk to heel and has a very good nose when he is out training . Unfortunaletly he still gets distracted with smaells and their are a lot of hares up the farm. He is really funny as he loves helicopters in the sky, or even on the Tv he stops if he hears one. The police helicopter was overhead for about half an hour a few weeks ago we had to call him in for his tea which is never heard of and he wolfed it down so he get back ouside before it went.