A dog friendly blog run by the Blitzan family along side the Blitzan web site, ANYONE WISHING TO JOIN IN THE CHAT AND PHOTO SHOWS PLEASE E MAIL ME AT info@mudlarks farm.co.uk ALL WELCOME. You don't have to be owned by a Blitzan to join in, just a Munster lover & a Blitzan relation! We also aim to help and give advice to anyone who gets stuck or has any Munster related problem. www.blitzanmunsterlanders.co.uk
Monday, 20 April 2009
Zoe, Domino used to wake us up every night, we thought it was because she needed to go out to toilet. Basically we had the same situation as you, didn't want to wake the kids. Then we decided we'd had enough, so for a few nights when she got up, we would tell her to come back to bed instead of letting her out (she does sleep in our room) and that seemed to sort her out, she sometimes lies in longer than all of us now. Domino also used to be very excitable around new people or people she knew would make a fuss of her. So we started telling visitors to ignore her until we allowed her to greet them and then they had to ignore her again if she became overexcited. By ignoring they mustn't look at her, touch her or speak to her. It took some time but she got the idea that she has to wait her turn for attention. She's not perfect but I don't worry about visitors coming here anymore. In fact she is much better with visitors that are children, she just ignores them completely, maybe because my children never paid much attention to Domino.