Wednesday 20 May 2009

Back again!

Hello all, I'm back on line, and wading through 100's of emails. Sorry if I haven't replied to you I will do but if it's urgent send it to me again so it's at the top of my inbox.
Also if I miss anything asked on here ask me again, so much to catch up on with one thing and another I am not intentionally ignoring anyone.
Zoe - with regards Hudson being stiff, it may be growing pains and things and it may be he is out of line and needs a Chiropractor, I use one for Tarka's bad neck, and it works wonders and keeps our old lady going well, if your stuck on finding one give me a shout as I have a list of McTimoney practitioners all over the UK. I wrote an article for the June '08 LMC newsletter. I'm also not sure what your vet meant with regards a hip scan, sounds a bit like over kill to me and way too costly, if you're going down the exploration line I would have his hips x rayed and then you can get them BVA scored at the same time, the cost is an awful lot less. Sure it's nothing to worry about as Hudson comes from a long line of great hip scores and Jiggy has never been lame in his life, so don't worry too much, go with the Arnica and try McTimoney, if he is insured they will often pay for this treatment too.
Hope everyone is going along OK and good to be back in touch. That being said off out with Darcy for the day tomorrow with Judith and Karen, so wont be on tomorrow!!!!