Monday 18 May 2009

Pinch collars

I haven't watched the Dog whisperer, but I heard it is a great show. Karen all my dogs have been trained with a pinch collar, with the spikes, it was a requirement for the obedience classes I attended and I wouldnt train any other way, however I have seen other people use them incorrectly. Never should a dog have constant pressure on this type of collar. It is for a quick corrections, then release. The dogs react instantly and I very rarely have to correct my dogs now. Even the tiny dogs, we had a Yorkie and a poodle in class and they too wore pinch collars and did very well. I hardly use the pinch now as my 3 dogs heal off leash together and then I let them run their tails off in the bush 1 block from here. They only have leashes on if we go to populated areas. But sometimes they need a refresher course and they quickly get their stuff together.