Sunday 17 May 2009


Joanne - lovely picture of your dogs sitting among the flowers. We are not getting great weather here either and the forecast for the week ahead is more rain. It's not a long weekend this one - beginning of May and end of May is the two bank holidays.

I watch the Dog Whisperer too and Elspeth Frasier was a favourite programme of mine and I do remember that little dog.

Lovely pics of Ludo and Oscar too - you can definitely see Ludo is Elsa's brother - they look very similar I think. We often laugh at Elsa's legs as her back ones seem to long for her body! Do you remember in the film Bambi when Bambi falls over on the ice and his back legs get tangled up with each other and Thumper had to unravel them? Well the other day Elsa fell out the back door and her back legs did the same thing - not sure how but got twisted around each other and she couldn't get up!

She is a fearless little thing too. I took her into town yesterday as we don't get much traffic or people here - we walked along the streets and busy shops and went into a pet shop to get some treats. She was completely unfazed by the whole thing. Although very excited and tried to get into every shop and say hello to everyone she met! One chap stopped to say what lovely Spaniels I had and hadn't seen one that big before)lol He asked what they were crossed with!