Monday 18 May 2009

Zoe that is very expensive, I was hips and elbows for no more than £250! Infact I am sure it was something like £236 for them both together. Hip score is an xray that is sent to BVA to get scored, so you would just have the xray and no scoring done. Maybe he has jarred something or moved in a funny way, have you tried a chiropracter? (terrible speller i know) they can work wonders. It is Mctimmony, I will try to find website later on an put a link up.

Seasons: Ceilidh came in to her first season on 1st July so she would have been 81/2 months I think. But I know some can take much longer to come in. Have you noticed anything different in her behaviour? Usually there are signs a month or so before hand. I am no expert but I am sure others will be able to tell you more.

It is so miserable here weather wise that I have no pics yet, the second I get good weather I will get some. Joanne you are lucky having 3 dogs that all behave so well!