Friday 29 May 2009

Catch up.

Quick pop in as busy here being half term week. Gertie is looking lovely Kathy, a really chunky baby, you can certainly see that Gertie and Tetra are sisters!!

Joanne, thank you, and I always love to see your photo's, the more the better.
Zoe, sorry to hear Hudson is unwell, I have to say on the odd occasion mine have had a throat infection or the dreaded kennel cough I use Bennilyn, it seems to sooth their throats and stop the coughing. Hope he feels better really soon.
I received an email for Gillian, who was concerned about Elsa and her corn on the cob, Gillian had a nasty fright with one, this is what she wrote: Just read Karen’s post on your blog about Elsa carrying a corn on the cob and it make my stomach turn. Corn on the Cob husks can be very dangerous to dogs as if eaten can cause blockages in the gut that are particularly hard to spot on X-rays. We nearly lost our Cocker Spaniel to a husk, he was in Glasgow vet school for many weeks and ran up a huge bill but he was worth it. I would hate for anyone else to fall victim to such a seemingly innocent looking item.
Many thanks Gill for alerting us to this potential problem I am sure we will all avoid Corn on the cobs now.