Wednesday 20 May 2009

Putting things into perspective

Reading about all the posts regarding vets bills and health and growing puppies it is clear how much we all love and our dogs and provide everything we can for them.
This was put into perspective for me today when during a lunchtime club at work one of the students told me that her dog had died. Giving my condolences i asked her if her dog was very old. She replied "no it was just a puppy, we had only had it two weeks" i was surprised so asked her had it been poorly (thinking possible traffic accident maybe) but she said that it had stopped eating and drinking about 3 days before it died. So my obvious question was "did you take it to the vet?" The answer is what really tugged at my heart string and to which i had no reply, she answered "no, my mom doesnt have any money."
The catchment area for the school includes one of Britians most deprived areas and it really struck me how we all chat about hip scoring and leather show leads but there are still puppies dying for no other reaosn than the owners simply cant afford to take them to the vet. It is such a shame and a real reality check, kinda puts things into perspective doesnt it. I think in future i wont grumble when i see my vets bills, just instead be grateful i can actually pay them.