Thursday 21 May 2009

Nice to have you back Ali love the pictures. So sad about the little puppy, breaks my heart when you here stories like that.

About 9yrs ago I noticed Misty was stiff on her back end and her back legs never seem to move in the correct way it was as if she skipped with her back legs, so off to the vets we went, thankfully Misty is insured as the vet did some xrays of her back legs to find that at age 1 she was riddled with hip dysplasia and the vet said she must have had it from birth as it was that bad, unfortunately her parents were not hip scored and back then I did not know what hip scoring was, she has been on medication for the last 10yrs and she lives life to the full and you would not know she has this pain full condition when you see her running around the field and playing with Oscar, this is why I urge people when getting puppies or older dogs to get pet insurance as you never no when it will be needed, my insurance company have paid out well over £10,000 over the last 10yrs. If Hudson is insured then I am sure your insurance company will pay for the xray, better to be safe than sorry thats my view if your not sure what it is. I am sure Hudson hips will be fine as his parents are hip scored so I dont think you will have any problem there, it maybe just growing pains or pulled muscle as these Munsters do run around and play like crazy dogs which I am noticing with Oscar, but I am no expert.

Does anyone know of anything else I can give Misty to help with her hip problems she is on Metacam and Serquin Nutritional Supplement daily and if she is having a really bad day we have Tramadol these are all what we get from the vet for her hip problems, but any suggestions would be a big help for Misty. Thanks