Friday 29 May 2009

Karen I'm really looking forward to seeing all (well nearly) Elsa's litter mates again. I have decided not to bring Maggie. I am taking her out on Sunday so it will be Elsa's day on Saturday and Maggie's on Sunday)lol. She would rather stay at home with Frank I think and go for a nice walk. I'm just hoping Elsa travels OK in the car without Maggie as she is used to having Maggie there and she has never been on her own for more than half an hour in the car. It's at least two hours drive for me. Do you think I should stop on the way for a break? What time are you aiming to be there?

Been such a lovely day today and decided to give up working at lunch time and have been mellowing in the garden this afternoon then I took the 'girls' out for walk and to have a splash around in the brook which they loved. It's only shallow but Elsa ran up and down it and managed to get soaked!