Thursday, 4 June 2009

LMC and catch up

Please could any member of the LMC who is coming to the Show on Saturday and who have not entered drop me an email so I can bring along your newsletter, anything to save postage!!!!!!
Thank you.
Also don't forget there is going to be a great raffle with super prizes and the LMC Shop will also be on site with loads of Munsterlander goodies for sale.

Joanne that is such a lovely photo of Duchess, she is smiling, will try and look out one of Diva I have , exactly the same expression, they maybe different colours but I still think you can see they are litter sisters!
Brodie is looking very handsome, and can't remember who said it but yes isn't he a poseur!!!! Must get that from his Grandad!!
It's lovely to see Domino and Mazy such great friends, Domino will miss Mazy and you this weekend.
Maggie and Elsa - it is so lovely for me to see one of my babies so totally accepted and adored by her best buddy, Maggie is such a sweetheart, are they as inseparable as they look?
Been a very busy week for me and still is so may not be back on until after Saturday, thank you to you all for keeping things ticking along.