Thursday 11 February 2010

Dodger update...

A few recent photos of our little mischief maker.
So... after 3 days of liqui-squit during the night we called the vet, they suggested chicken and rice for a couple of days to see if he settled. Other than being very bored of chicken and rice, followed by trying fish fingers and mash/rice, he was bounding around happy as anything - but still nothing solid appearing from the back end.
So having phoned the vets again he went in Tuesday night for his check up and then to see the vet. He said there's a bug going round at the moment and gave us some i/d prescription food, some antibiotics for a week and a prebiotic syringe thing. Dodger likes the food which is good although as he's only allowed 300-350g a day they suggested we added a little of his ordinary biscuit to it as well to bulk it out. Doesn't like the antibiotics - even hidden in food he still manages to spit it out so that's a fun battle, but loves the syringe full of prebiotic.
He'd lost about 1kg in weight, so he's currently 25.5kg as the weekend before he was poorly he was 26.2kg.
He's bright eyed, temperature normal, temperament the same, if anything a little more clingy and whiny than he usually is but generally seems ok.
Thankfully he's moved onto having more mousse like poo's now and has his little belly back from eating lots of biscuits. We have one more day of the prebiotic and 3-4 days of antibiotics to go so hopefully normal service will resume fully shortly.
It is strange how he can be poorly but act like there is literally nothing else wrong with him. Sleeping fine again (although he didn't bark or whine even when he was being poorly during the night), playing with his toys (no chews though as we were told to remove them all til his tummy settles), doing some training and generally being his usual self. As you'll see from the photos he fills his plastic bed in the lounge and loves to lie across the door in the kitchen. He's also still got his liking for paper and envelopes - hence the investigating in the first photo.
The vet says he should be able to go to puppy class tomorrow night which will be great as he too will be passing his puppy foundation. We were told last week he'd done everything he needed to, although he would get to show off his new found skills anyway. Then we too will be starting the bronze KC Good Citizen certificate.
He loves learning new things and thoroughly enjoys going to training which is lovely to see.
Hopefully I'll be able to post shortly to say all is better and he's 100% back to normal. If not, it'll be back to the vets with a stool sample to check it's nothing more serious.
The vet did say it may be his food - but I think that's unlikely - any thoughts Ali? He's still on the same stuff you gave us - Skinners Duck & Rice, we re-order online, and then for the meat we have the Wainrights turkey, lamb or occasionally fish. Treats are all Wainrights one's or other ones without lots of additives.
Other than that his only thought was that it's just a bug and he'll be fine in a few days.
Glad to see you back Ali, would love to arrange to pop up and see you soon with Dodger, once you're all settled with the new puppies. Glad to hear Summer is doing well too.
Lovely pic of Dee Dee, very beautifully posed.