Friday 26 February 2010


So sorry read about Button it is very sad. Ringo had to have a little op yesterday. two weeks ago we found a lump in his mouth and was given two lots of antibiotics as they didn't know if it was an abscess or a foreign body but as he hadn't gone down much the vets decided to have a look under anesthetic . She had hoped to remove it but it's attached to his gum and if it is any thing nasty they will need to take all of it away. We have to wait 3-5 days for the results of the Biopsy . We are all hopeful its nothing to bad . Ringo spent the day charming the vets and nurses and all the workers at the surgery. Two took their breaks with him as they found him so charming. He is so healthy and full of beans we can't see it can be anything to bad.