Sunday 7 February 2010

I think training is an ongoing thing with Munsters. I'm trying to remember if Maggie went backwards in her training at this age and I think yes she probably did. She seemed to have good and bad days though depending on how she felt that morning - I could never understand how one day her recall was perfect so much so that I often gloated about it only to find the next day she would totally ignore me again. Food never worked for Maggie either, still doesn't. Sandra gave me this advice when I was having problems with Maggie's recall, like you asked for help on a forum and I've been grateful ever since! I think you have to find out what Evie most likes and then use it for her training. With Maggie it's a ball, I think Elspeth with Ceilidh uses a frisbie. Maggie only gets a ball now when I'm in charge of it. She doesn't get it at home just to play with. By taking it away from her I made it even more special and she now will do anything (almost) if there is a chance of a chuck of the ball. At the moment her favourite is a ball on a rope and I give it to her at the beginning of the walk and she carries it the whole way. Sometimes she gets a throw sometimes she doesn't but if she has it in her mouth she is happier and calmer and if there are deer ahead she is not so bothered with this in her mouth. I never used to give it to her to carry - this is a new thing - it used to stay in my pocket but I was having a problem with barking at the start of a walk and I couldn't stop it. By giving her the ball at the start of the walk she is totally quiet and so much calmer that I solve two problems at once! This is probably cheating a bit - I'm sure there are many more that have succeeded in training their munster's to recall without having to resort to a bribe. But for me it works, she's happy and I'm happy. With Elsa she will come back for a tiny morsel of food, her stomach rules her head)lol

Lovely recall Sandra - it's great to see them charging back like that when you call them.