Monday 1 February 2010

Nice to see pics of all the babies growing up. Interesting to hear about your experiences with canine hydrotheraypy Sandra. I too can highly recommend it. Jack our old Flat Coat was diagnosed with elbow dysplasia at 6 months and hydrotherapy did wonders for him by strengthining the muscles without any strain - like Narla he gradually built up swimming against the jets. The owner of the pool he went to gets in with all the dogs and holds them in a life jacket until they gain confidence.
I hope Elsa feels better today Karen. Glad to hear about Maggie too. Evie seems to be going backwards with her recall at the moment and today jumped the fence in our field and disappeared for over an hour despite my efforts to get her back. She is so driven when on a scent and just totaly ignores me once she gets into the zone -very frustrating and worrying. I am determined though to do more training this year to get on top of the probem - looking forward to the lighter nights when I can get out in the evening with her once Tony is back from work to ook after the children. Would be grateful for any tips!
A belated Happy Birthday Ali - hope you are Ok. How is mummy Summer doing?