Was Gizzmo now Misty
Zig Zag
We have had a very tough 10 days, poor Summer has struggled to produce enough milk, so the bottles have been in a lot of use. Also for the first time in my many years of breeding dogs, I lost a week old baby. Poor baby Button was put to sleep on Sunday evening. It has really been so upsetting and many a tear has been shed, it really upset James, well all of us really. On Friday, I noticed Button was wet and felt a little cold, he was away from the others so I picked him out and sat him on my lap, wrapped in a towel and a heat pad, cuddled in my arms. I spoke to the vet and gave him some warm fluids and a tiny dash of Brandy. He certainly warmed up but he wouldn't drink anything, again I rang Graham (my Vet) and this time I syringed glucose and fluids into him every couple of hours, he slept wrapped up beside me, every so often Summer came to check on him and Darcy guarded him all night.
Saturday morning I was in the Vets first thing, the only other symptom he has was Diarrhoea, not raging but definitely runny. He also wet himself without the usual stimulation. Graham gave him some fluids under his skin, and an antibiotic and good old Buscopan. It was miraculous, I got home with him and in half an hour he was shouting for his Mum. He fed off her for the afternoon but stopped again by evening. By midnight I was back to syringing and this time I had to inject him with fluids. I was awake most of the night with poor baby Button and was back at the Vets first thing. He was given Buscopan as that worked wonders last time, I got home with him expecting him to rally as he did the previous day, sadly he didn't. A new symptom developed, his poor empty tummy started to swell, back to the Vets where Graham said it was time to let him go.
I had a post mortem done, as I was perplexed by his sudden decline, he was definitely one of the big strong babies, and I was very worried about the other babies. By the time I had driven home Graham had rung Andrew and it turned out poor Button had Kidney failure. He assured me it's not a heredity thing, just one of those cruel twists of nature. Apparently sometimes they can go on for a few weeks and some can even make it to 6 months , which would of been worse. I collected him and he is now buried up at Mudlarks.
So we now have 7 beautiful babies, but sadly only one boy.