Wednesday 10 February 2010

Puppy Training

Dee Dee completed her starter puppy training class tonight, there was a test to complete and my little wriggle bum, passed with distinction !!!!
Think she must have been tired to do so well !!! But we have her first certificate, with a lovely gold star on it.
On to the Improver's Course next then we will be working towards KC Bronze.
They don't do the Bronze at the present club so we will have to do it elsewhere, but some places won't let them start it till they are six months old. Is it the same in other areas ???

I see you have got Izzy standing Jean, Dee Dee is fine till anyone approaches her in a show stand, then the wiggle starts from the tail onwards and travels up the whole body, but she just loves everybody and thinks that they all just want to play with her.
She is still very much a baby, and it nice that she is so friendly and outgoing, I am sure she will get the hang of it eventually.