Friday 5 February 2010

Upset tummy - your advice please

Hi all,

Sorry not the best subject but in need of some advice. For the last couple of days Dodger has had an upset tummy during the night - not sure why as we've changed nothing in his diet and as far as I'm aware he hasn't eaten anything he isn't supposed to. No stealing off the work surface etc.

He's eating normally, drinking lots of water and bounding around like his usual self. But during the night liquid poo in his bed.

Was thinking of taking him to the vet, but apart from the liqui-poo he's absolutely fine.

Any suggestions would be great.

Our dog sitter suggested scrambled egg or rice to help settle him tummy, but not sure if this is good for Munsters.

Hoping to find a solution so I don't have another morning of a poo covered puppy!