Well it's Sunday morning a relaxing day planned, so I got up and had a soak in the bath. Pulled the plug as you do and went to my bedroom to dress. Looked around and noticed Tetra wasn't with me, I could hear something going on so went back down the hall and as I got nearer to the bathroom I could tell the noise was coming from there. I looked in the door only to find Tetra playing in the bath in my bath water, she was covered in bubblebath and lying down in the water, splashing with her legs!!!! Well I had to then rinse her off which she also enjoyed. I dried her off and went back to finish getting my self sorted, I have a mirror I pop on my bed to do my makeup with and whislt I turned my back to get my clothes on Miss Tetra climbed up sat on the bed infront of the mirror and proceeded to empty my make up bag out, I looked around only to see her with lip stick all over her, I think we have a Princess in training. During all of this Darcy lay on the foot of the bed with his bestest Uncle Logi chewing on a chew.
I would love to hear what your little monkeys have been getting up to, the naughtier the better !!!!!! Could do with a laugh.......