Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Mandy - they are lovely pictures of Oscar - he is turning out to be a very handsome boy!

Maggie was always stopped chasing birds in the garden because we have a lot of bird feeders so we get a lot and she just got used to them being there - my husband likes the birds in the garden and has always been strict with the dogs to leave them alone. Saying that on walks she used to chase the low flying swallows around - she still does sometimes - it's a half hearted effort though and I tend to ignore her because it never takes her far away and is quite fruitless. It also gives her lots of exercise)lol I think getting them to sit when ever they see a bird and then rewarding them for it is good and if he thinks he is getting a treat every time a bird appears when he sits it will hopefully become habit. Elsa tends to sit automatically when she sees a bird in the garden but she sees Maggie ignoring them so it helps. I think they eventually learn that the garden birds are not much to bother about when they discover the pheasants!