I'm sorry if I wasn't clear what I needed help with. What you have said is very helpful so thank you. I have done as you say and placed dummies in the 3, 12 and 9 o'clock position and have stood about 10 paces away from Maggie. She is great at getting the 3 and 9 o'clock one but seems to struggle on the 12 o'clock one at 10 paces away. This is because as I said although she understands the signals for right and left she doesn't understand going back away from me. I think firstly the problem may be because the grass in our paddocks is very long now and so although she sees me placing them they are not vi sable to her. She does it well in the garden where the grass is short but I have more room in the paddock so have taken her out there for training. Secondly I think I have asked her to do too much after reading what you have said. I'm going to concentrate in simple retrieves for a while - asking her to do that 12 o'clock one but with me closer and then trying to move back from her. Thank you for your help and advice - it's greatly appreciated. Hopefully one day I'll have the opportunity to pick your brains)lol I have tried to get to a trainer in my area and was hopeful with one but he has now said he doesn't really do HPRs and so I'm back at square one. (I think at lot of them are loathed to take on Munsters - lol) All I know I have learnt from books and from experienced people like you willing to share the information but the written word is often confusing and so easily misinterpreted as I'm sure you are aware.
James - would love to sponsor you - well done.