Thursday 24 April 2008

B.C. Munsters

Duke had selective hearing when he was younger too, boy did that used to make Andy mad. It can get really frustrating and dangerous too. Duke and Duchey both went through 3 levels of obedience classes, and the school was great, like boot camp for the dogs, the instructors were tough on the humans as well as the dogs, but boy, did the dogs ever respond! Duke finished first, at top of his class of 14. Duchess was 2nd. We did and awful lot of homework but it paid off, and the dogs still test me now and again, so I get out my lessons and take the dogs in the crescent behind my house and refresh them. All three of my dogs heal off leash together, the Munsters on the left of me and the Springer on the right, we take up the whole sidwalk, but I get a lot of great comments on how well behaved they are. They can still make me proud!