Monday 28 April 2008

So jealous of you Karen! Although I do get to see blitzans at Stafford next week. Who are you bringing Ali, and Judith?
Good luck to all of you who are picking up the puppies this week.
And Congratulations to James and Andrew! What a great day for you both! So many prizes.
Looking at the puppy pictures that you put up of Ceilidh, Ilka and Georgia, they are all so similar. I remember when we visited to see the puppies, we had 2 that were all over us (Dot and Shady, but I had a secret eye on Ceilidh too because she was the one behind the Tv trying to eat the cables (I look for mischief in puppies, my parents old dog scamper was picked because he was the one chewing their shoes and eating their laces) I know it was you who suggested we went for her but when we arrived to pick her up I am sure it was her who picked us really, by the way she ran at us when we came in!

Just looking at her now, how do you get the tail hair tame? Or it it okay to leave it as normal for a show?