Saturday 26 April 2008

Zeta & James

I am so sorry for what happened to you both, James are you okay? And get well soon to Zeta. That must have been so scary! You poor things. Great to hear that Leah is a good nurse though. Have the other dogs seen the lab since? They should be made to get help if they cannot control it or give it to someone that will! Was James hurt?
A staffy went for Ceilidh a few weeks ago but thankfully the owner had put it on a lead as they obviously knew their dog was aggressive. She went barmy growling and barking etc, ready to fight back, she did the same with one of the bernese next to my mum and dad when it had a snap at her and paddy over the fence. Never went for either of the dogs mentioned just showed that she was ready to protect herself. I don't think she would really know what to do if it ever came to it though. Probably wait for one of us to step in.
It is just so completely irresponsible of them to let it out! A man walks around our area with 2 rotties but he always puts them on a lead when he sees people or dogs. Not because they have a temper (they are such softies its unbelieveable) but he does it because he knows how people react to the breed and he chooses to be responsible about it.
Ali, I wont ask what was siad but I assume that something has been sorted out with them now.
Oh, did you get accommodation for Stafford?

Lo0ve the pictures everyone has posted. Fantastic "brownie" photos. He looks so happy with his toy, even if he doesn't quite know what do do with it. We will have some photos tomorrow, Ceilidh has a date with Toby for a big forest walk so I will get plenty pictures then.