Tuesday 29 April 2008

Please don't worry about cleaning up because I'm coming to visit. I'm used to 4 muddy paws, I can imagine your house can never be clean with 40 muddy paws tramping in and out. So please don't waste your day cleaning, I'll be bringing some of Domino's hairs on my clothes anyway, she never stops moulting.

Our school take their SATs tests week commencing 12th May, don't know if James's will be the same.

Also I am very pleased with Domino this morning, she didn't bark at the dogs we meet on the way back from our walk. Well, she tried to and I just turned around and went to walk the other way, then we tried again and she still looked like she was going to bark, so I walked away again, third time she walked by them and she let me stop and have a chat with the owner without making a sound.

Then when I got to the bus stop this morning with the children, Bridport News were there taking photographs and talking to us about the grumpy pub landlord here who has decided he won't let us use his car park to wait for the bus anymore (long story). I ended up having my photo and name taken along with another mum - yikes. I wish I'd had my hair done.