Thursday 24 April 2008

Bears and mountain lions! Now that is some wildlife for Duke and Duchess!
Ceilidh caught sight of 2 dear today and chased them for miles accross the fields, she has got the best selective hearing I have ever known. She normally comes back when you call, occasionally taking her time if there is a bird but today she was going for gold and could obviously picture then venison in her dinner bowl so her sense of hearing had disappeared completely. When she did come back she was so proud of herself that she rewarded herself with a wallow in the muddy clay ditch. If only I had taken the camera!
The puppies are the cuttest Judith! Ringo must take it after his daddy because Ceilidh is the same. She is renowned for finding the only mess in the garden, stepping in it and making a mad dash through the house! We have mastered the art of catching her at the kitchen for inspection now thank goodness.