Sunday 27 April 2008

These pictures andv ideo are from our forest walk today. I hope I have put the right video up so you can see 16 year old Kylie swimming and Ceilidh, Toby is at the edge prancing and jumping too. He doesn't swim as he had a really bad experience when he was a pup. We had taken all of the dogs out for a walk on his first christmas and he decided the river was fun and was playing at the edge and then disappeared under the water. It had been raining for days on end so was really strong. He managed to get out but we were ready to jump in after him if he hadn't. So you can see why he doesn't swim. (we do know that jumping in after a dog is silly as they are more likely to come out alive than you, but when you are in these circumstances it is the first thing that you want to do!)

We hope Zeta is feeling better today. Great pictures of Georgia, I take it the snow one was from a few weeks ago and not this weekend? We have had a mini heat wave here today!

Ali, you had said the other dogs were being gentle and quiet as they knew Zeta was hurt. Ceilidh has been like that all weekend with me, I woke up at 5.30am yesterday and couldn't move my head. After doing ice packs and heat packs for an hour Gregor had to phone NHS 24 and they think it had gone into a spasm or possibly a trapped nerve. Absolute agony and Ceilidh jumped up and started kissing me (where it was sore) bless her. She has been very cuddly and close all weekend so i think she must know.The jumping up onto the bed on top of me obviously didn't help but she only needed to do it once for my cry to stop her doing it again. I think she will make a great big sister to our next one. Protective and nursing in her own way. Bless her cottons.