Wednesday 18 March 2009


Wonderful pictures of the pups today. Your photography Tor is brilliant - the pictures of Ludo are really good. Sounds like all the older dogs are coping well with the new additions. Murphy was indifferent to Evie when she first arrived then grumbled at her quite a bit for a couple o days - I just left him to it as I am very confident with Murphys temperament and knew he was just letting her know the boundries. After a couple of days attempting to be top dog he just gave in and more or less let Evie do what she wanted - he is the most gentle of dogs. They are great friends and are very settledd together.
Thanks Ali for the advice you gave me last night. Have started the cranberry tablets today and have started to make the changes with the feeding etc that we discussed. Can you believe though that there was no mess at all this morning - the only thing I did different last night was giving her a few drops of Bach Rescue Remedy. Our neighbours down the lane had fireworks (big ones) which terrified Evie and woke up the children. Evie is used to hearing guns etc as we live next to the local shoot but fireworks were a different matter - she sat next to me and shook all over. Murphy is not fussed at all so I just put a reassuring hand on her but didn't over fuss her then took her outside as soon as it was finished. She was still quite stressed so a few drops of rescue remedy helped her to settle - could it also have helped settle her bladder??????who knows. Anyway thanks again Ali for taking the time to talk it through with me last night.
Hope you all have a good night with the pups tonight!