Thursday 26 March 2009

Thank you for the introduction Peter, you should write a book on training tips! I know most munster people would probably buy it. Especially first time owners. Your advice on control (Three ring) is fantastic, sitting here now thinking of the once every 2-3 weeks that Ceilidh bogs off and doesn't listen. I know it is completely my fault as she will be wonderful on walks for a while then I get too relaxed about it and that is when she grows cloth ears, entirely my fault. They are so clever and push all boundaries. Do you have any advice on training to sit at a distance? I can get Ceilidh to do it at a few yards away but any further and she will come to me first which I know can be dangerous in certain circumstances if you need them not to move from where they are. I can get her to "wait" at a distance but she will not sit. I do use a whistle and also hand movement, not word for sit.

Lunging at Cars: Ceilidh used to do this as a pup, I was advised to distract her when cars went by, treats, a toy, a bit of sit/trick traing. Anything that will distract them from the cars. It worked after only a few walks, I do still keep an eye on her just incase.

Sorry i have been off and not put pics up yet, been so busy at Uni, rather manic so exhausted this week, bring on the weekend!!!
I will get pics up on Saturday morning, I have deliberately not made plans so I can get them up. Hope everyone is well and dogs and puppies too. Sorry I have probably missed loads but I have got to run to a lecture.