Friday 12 September 2008

A bang to the head

This afternoon my washing machine decided to pack up while still full of water and washing - opening the door flooded the kitchen and I was bending down moping up the water. As I stood up I wacked my head on one of the new kitchen units. Feeling slightly dizzy, I swore and put my hand to my head and when I pulled my hand away it had blood on it. I wasn't sure where the cut was as couldn't see so held the tissue in the general area of pain until it stopped. It was now Maggie's walk time and she came to tell me so. I told her I cut my head and didn't feel like taking her out, but made no difference - so tried to see if I could see a cut again, but couldn't (hair too thick and top of head) and decided to spray the general area with iodene and take her out anyway. I wiped what blood I could away but my hair was now a mixture of red and yellow from the iodene )lol. Coming back I met a chap walking his dog and we stood and chatted about the awful weather and such like, feeling his eyes looking at the top of my head he eventually said 'did you know your head is bleeding?' - 'oh yes', I said 'I bumped on a kitchen cupboard but I think it's stopped now' He said 'actually it's running down your forehead, are you ok?' (thought it was sweat )lol) 'yes' I said, 'got a bit of a headache though'. He said he wasn't sure walking the dog with a cut to my head was a good idea. Funny, I told Maggie that! Feel fine now - might go a lie down for a bit though )lol